Tag: tigers

Join the Lion Den!

Join the Lion Den!

So you successfully completed the first week of kindergarten and you are thinking you want to try out a fun, valuable, and rewarding after school program with your boy. Look no further; the Lion Den Program at Cub Scout Pack 279 has a program for you.

Last year, the Lion Den Pilot Program was offered to kindergarteners in Cub Scout Pack 279. We had 10 kindergarteners begin the program in September 2016 and 90% of them completed their Lion Rank, earned their Lion Badge, and advanced to become Tigers by June 2017.

The Lion program is back in 2017-18. It continues to be a Pilot Program and Cub Scout Pack 279 – a Gold Level Journey to Excellence Unit – was selected to offer the pilot for a second consecutive year. The Den will meet on the First and Third Sunday of every month beginning Sunday, September 17th.  If you want to learn more or want to enroll your scout, come to Parent Info Night or the First Pack Meeting.

So what is the Lion Rank and what will the boys do if they join?

Lion Rank Program Structure

Each Lion Scout attends a Den meeting twice a month. Meetings are no longer than 45 minutes total in length. Like Tigers (First Grade), the Lion Scouts complete their adventures and electives alongside their parent or guardian or participating adult (grandparents welcome!).  Adventures are completed at the Den meetings (no homework).

Lions is fundamentally an introduction to Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. Here are some of the fun activities we’ll do in 2017-18 as a Den:

  • Attend Pack Meetings together with the other dens
  • Earn Wampum Beads for being good scouts
  • Collect food for a local food bank
  • Go Christmas caroling at a Senior Living community
  • Explore a local zoo together
  • Meet a police officer
  • Explore the value of independence such as tying your own shoes and learning to dress yourself
  • Playing games with rules together
  • Taking turns
  • Being respectful
  • Exploring the outdoors
  • Attending family camp outs and outings with the rest of the Cub Scout Pack 279

Requirements for Lion Scouts in Cub Scout Pack 279

  1. Attend Den meetings September – May twice a month for 45 minutes with an adult partner
  2. Attend at least 3 pack meetings (held monthly)
  3. Wear the Pack 279 “Class B T-Shirt” to all events (The BSA Lion Scout T-Shirt and cap are not required)
  4. Do your best
  5. Have fun
  6. Complete 5 adventures and 1 elective. Last year the Den completed 5 adventures and 5 electives together.
  7. Complete the enrollment paperwork and pay the $55 dues. Lion Scouts are not required to sell popcorn.
  8. Lion scouts will be invited to try the Pinewood Derby for fun! (with fewer rules than other scouts)
  9. Lion scouts will be welcome at all Pack Family events and outings
  10. Lion scouts will complete one community service project with the Den.

Lion Program FAQ

Here is a helpful Lion Program FAQ prepared by the Boy Scouts of America. You’ll find it helpful as you explore whether or not to give Lion Scouts a try.

Here’s where to find the enrollment paperwork to join the Lion Den of Cub Scout Pack 279.

Welcome to Tigers!

Welcome to Tigers!

Hello Parents!

I hope everyone had a wonderful summer. It is hard to believe school started this week. I hope all of the kids are having a great transition back into school and that you are ready to return to scouts. If you have questions about returning this year or know you have a conflict for our first Den meeting, please contact me via Scoutbook.

I am happy to announce that we have two assistant Den Leaders that will be helping to ensure our den has a fantastic year: Mr. Kris Clymans and Mr. Tim Pyle. I’d like to personally thank them both for stepping up to help out as we move forward as Tigers.

Here are some upcoming events you should save and plan to attend!

Parent Information Night
Where: St. James Presbyterian Church
When: Sep 7, 2017, 7pm – 8pm

On September 7, we will be holding a Parent Information Night to provide prospective Cub Scout parents with information about Pack 279 and the BSA scouting program. If you know of any boys in grades K-5 that are interested in scouting or any parents looking for a great activity for their sons, please share the following flyer.

Parent Information Night Flyer:

Parent Information Night is also open to all the current parents of Pack 279. There will be plenty to do for everyone.

First Tigers Den Meeting
Where: St. James Presbyterian Church
When: Sep 17, 2017, 2pm – 3pm

At this meeting we will be working on the following:
– Introductions/ Welcome back: I’d like each of the scouts to plan to introduce themselves and have one thing to share about what they did over the summer. For our scouts that attended the boy scouts summer camp, this is a great opportunity to talk about the activities they did there.

– Review the requirements for the Bobcat Badge. This is the first rank all of the scouts will earn. You can find all of the requirements outlined in the Tiger handbook, but we will plan to cover them together as a group. If you are able, it would be great if you reviewed the scout oath, scout law and scout sign with your son before the first meeting. I know we worked on learning these last year, but many scouts may need a refresher from the summer.

– Begin work on our first Tiger Rank requirement:
Backyard Jungle. I will have the materials for requirement 4 for the Tigers to work on building their very own birdhouses out of empty milk cartons. We will be painting, so you can have your scout wear an old T-Shirt under their Class A.

– Cheer for upcoming pack meeting. Tigers have the responsibility for performing a cheer at our first pack meeting on September 21st. We will work together to learn a simple cheer.

– Closing and upcoming announcements.

– A parent partner should plan to attend all meetings and participate with their scouts at events very much like we did last year.
– Scouts should plan to wear their blue Class A uniforms to every den meeting unless advised otherwise. If you have not yet purchased, you can get everything you need from the scout shop.
– Scouts should purchase a Tiger handbook and plan to bring it with them to all meetings.
– If you have not completed the registration materials for your scout, you can fill out the paperwork prior to the meeting and bring it with you. All the forms you need are linked on the website here: https://www.pack279.us/join-scouts/ If you are not able to complete before the meeting, that is ok. You can turn in everything at our first pack meeting on September 21st.

If any parent has concerns about participating in scouts due to affordability, please send me an email. We have many forms of assistance available.

3. First Pack Meeting
Where: St. James Presbyterian Church
When: Sep 21, 2017, 7pm – 8:30pm

You won’t want to miss the first pack meeting to kick-off the scouting year. We have some very exciting special guests that will be there. As Tigers we will also play a role in each of the pack meetings. For the September meeting, we are responsible for a cheer, which we will practice at our first den meeting.

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday, September 17th.

Congrats on Advancements!

Congrats on Advancements!

More than 70 cub scouts of Pack 279 were recognized on June 4, 2017 for earning their ranks. Lions became Tigers. Tigers became wolves. Wolves advanced to Bears. Bears bridged over to become Webelos. We are so proud of their accomplishments and can’t wait to see the incredible service projects, hikes, and fun we have together in 2017-18!

Cub Scout Camp 2017

Cub Scout Camp 2017

Our Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Scouts will be camping out for two nights under the stars at Camp Tuckahoe. Boys will complete advancements on their path to earning their next Rank. Camp Tuckahoe programming includes:

  • Archery
  • Swimming
  • BB gun range
  • Fishing
  • Boating safety
  • Hiking
  • Nature center
  • Fun & Games

Registration is now closed for this event. Plan to attend Cub Scout Camp in June 2018! Dates to be announced in June 2017.