Tag: pack meeting

Be a Giraffe!

Be a Giraffe!

The giraffe can teach us a lot about responsibility. First of all, it stands tall – and when the giraffe is out on the African plains, there’s no doubt where he stands. Each of us should also stand tall, and make sure that whatever we do is something we can be proud of – so stand tall! The giraffe is adaptable – willing to bend his long neck and stretch out his legs when he needs water. So be willing to bend – to adapt to change or follow a needed “Plan B.” The giraffe is willing to stick his neck out to accomplish something – like eating the best leaves high in the tree. And we should also be willing to stick our necks out – to reach the highest goals and take responsibility for all that we do. So, do your best and be a giraffe!



Did you know that you can look through either end of a pair of binoculars? If you look through the wrong end, everything is very tiny and distant. You don’t see things the way they should be seen. The binoculars make the view look worse instead of better. But if you use them the right way you see things as they are supposed to be seen. In fact, you even get a better perspective of how things look, things look closer and clearer.

As we take this year’s scouting journey, think about how you look at achievements and badges, people and things in everyday life. Do you see them distorted and distant or do you see them in the best possible light? Remember, “Look well and “Do your best”!

Aim for the Stars

Aim for the Stars

The words “Aim for the Starts” have an important meaning to Cub Scouts. Think of Thomas Edison who tried and failed hundreds of times before he perfected the electric light bulb. He never quit trying. A Cub Scout who tries to do his best and keeps trying is preparing himself for greater responsibilities when he becomes a man. What you do and how well you do it becomes your launching pad to “aim for the stars”