Den Chief Application

Den Chief Application

A Den Chief is a special role within scouting. A den chief is a Scout, Venturer, or Explorer who is carefully selected by his or her Scoutmaster or Advisor in cooperation with the Cubmaster. He or she may be of any age or rank. As a selected leader of younger boys and girls, hear she has the opportunity to help them complete their Cub Scout or  Webelos Scout advancement requirements and live up to Cub Scouting ideals in their everyday lives.


Den leadership is a team work job. The responsibility for the den’s operation rests with the Den Leader. The Den Chief provides leadership, enthusiasm, and special abilities. As a Den Chief you will:

  • Meet with your Den Leaders to plan your part of the program for the den meetings. These meetings are held regularly (at least once a month).
  • Help lead the weekly den meeting. You should arrive on time in your uniform.
  • Share responsibility with the leaders of the den in all den activities. You should look to them for adult leadership and inspiration.
  • Assist with assigned den activities at the monthly pack meetings. Recognize the denner (a member: chosen by his or her fellow den members) as your right-hand helper by giving him or her opportunities to serve.
  • Take part in all training opportunities so that you may become a better leader.

As Den Chief, you will have a fine opportunity to develop leadership and build a good reputation for your Scout Troop. In working with your Cub Scouts, you will prepare them, and foster in them the desire to become Scouts BSA Scouters one day.


I promise to help the Cub Scouts (or Webelos Scouts) in my den to the best of my ability, to encourage them in all pack and den activities, and to show them by my example what a Scout BSA is. I will strive to be prompt and dependable and to cooperate with the leaders in carrying out the den program. As each Cub Scout reaches 10 years of age, I will encourage him or her to join a Webelos den, and as he or she approaches 11, will do all in my power to interest him or her in becoming a Scouts BSA Scouter.

By submitting this application you are pledging to do your best to attend monthly den meetings, monthly pack meetings, and other activities. You will need the written approval of your parent or guardian and recommendation of your Scoutmaster to serve as a Den Chief.


Den Chief Application