Our 2019-2020 Scout Year Activity Calendar Will be Revealed This July

Our 2019-2020 Scout Year Activity Calendar Will be Revealed This July

On Monday, July 15, Parents will meet to plan the 2019-20 Scout Year. It is always a truly exciting meeting as the inspiration and creativity flow from parents to make the year an exciting and fun one for our scouts.

Parents will be selecting a theme for the year. In the past four years we have enjoyed such creative themes as A.I. – Adventure Intelligence, Pirates of Scouting, Jungle Safari, and Merlin’s Mighty Scouts just to name a few. We can’t wait to see what parents come up with tomorrow.

We will also set den meeting times, Pack meeting dates, select a new conservation project for the year, and select about six or seven Pack outing activities to take us into the outdoors, museums, and to explore science and the world around us in Pennsylvania.

Cub Scout Pack 279 is one of the largest and most active packs in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. If you are in search of a unique and fun activity for your son or daughter, check us out this fall. Our Parents Information Night is set for Thursday, September 12 at St. James Presbyterian Church in Mechanicsburg. We’d love to see you out!

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