Family Scouting Off to a Roaring Start

Family Scouting Off to a Roaring Start

We had a feeling Family Scouting was going to be a big hit in Cub Scout Pack 279 here in Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County. Gee, we were right.

We had six girls in grades kindergarten through fourth grade sign up immediately to join Cub Scout Pack 279. These girls got to work right to way after their induction into the Cub Scout Pack on Thursday, March 15.  We are happy and proud to report two have already completed their Bobcat Badges (3 days might be a new record!).

Female scouts join the pack
A female scout receives her Webelos neckerchief at a ceremony on March 15, 2018. Cub Scout Pack 279 was among the first to open its program to girls in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.

The female scouts got right to work with their very first Den meetings on Sunday, March 18. By Sunday, the ranks of female cub scouts grew to 8 in our pack, and two more picked up information on how to join. We could easily finish the Scout Year with 10-15% of our total Cub Scout membership as female scouts.

We know the success of the Family Scouting program relies heavily on the experience of our pioneer girls. We are actively seeking feedback from them and their parents on how to do this right. We are also funneling that feedback up to the District and Council levels so that more Packs in the area may learn from our experiences.

If you have a girl in the Cumberland Valley School District (or surrounding area) who wants to challenge herself to have more fun, meet new friends, and learn new skills in conservation, citizenship, science, and so much more, visit our Join Our Pack and FAQ pages to learn more on how to sign her up.  Females who join for the rest of the school year will have their membership fee of $100 waived by our Pack.

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