Category: Pack

Our 2019-2020 Scout Year Activity Calendar Will be Revealed This July

Our 2019-2020 Scout Year Activity Calendar Will be Revealed This July

On Monday, July 15, Parents will meet to plan the 2019-20 Scout Year. It is always a truly exciting meeting as the inspiration and creativity flow from parents to make the year an exciting and fun one for our scouts.

Parents will be selecting a theme for the year. In the past four years we have enjoyed such creative themes as A.I. – Adventure Intelligence, Pirates of Scouting, Jungle Safari, and Merlin’s Mighty Scouts just to name a few. We can’t wait to see what parents come up with tomorrow.

We will also set den meeting times, Pack meeting dates, select a new conservation project for the year, and select about six or seven Pack outing activities to take us into the outdoors, museums, and to explore science and the world around us in Pennsylvania.

Cub Scout Pack 279 is one of the largest and most active packs in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. If you are in search of a unique and fun activity for your son or daughter, check us out this fall. Our Parents Information Night is set for Thursday, September 12 at St. James Presbyterian Church in Mechanicsburg. We’d love to see you out!

Arrow of Light Bridging

Arrow of Light Bridging

Be sure to join Cub Scout Pack 279 on Thursday, March 21, 2019, as we celebrate an end as well as a new beginning.

Our Webelos II Den will be awarded their Arrow of Light Awards. In addition, those cub scouts choosing to continue their scouting journey will be invited to “bridge over” to the Scouts, BSA Troop of their choosing.

It is an evening of ceremony, celebration, tradition, and symbolism. We encourage all scouts to attend and honor the achievement of their fellow scouts.

Pinewood Derby 2019 – All the Stuff Parents Need to Know

Pinewood Derby 2019 – All the Stuff Parents Need to Know

Our 2019 Pinewood Derby is fast approaching. In fact, qualification night (registration, measurement, and weigh-in) is on Friday, February 1.

To prepare your scout for the Pinewood Derby, here are the most often requested resources and questions, all in one location.


Here is the link to the Official Pack 279 Pinewood Derby Rules for 2019.

Race Times

9:00 – 9:45: Web II
10:00 – 10:45: Web I
11:00 – 11:45: Bears
12:00 – 1:00: Wolves
1:00 – 2:00: Tigers
2:00 – 2:30: Lions
3:00 – 4:00: Finals

Design Entry Categories

Best Technology
Best Sports
Best Patriotic/Military
Best Scouting
Best Funniest
Best Entertainment (TV/Movie/Video) 
Best Scariest
Best Animal/Nature

Medals will also be awarded for “Most Original” and a “Judge’s Choice”.

Parents’ Race

We will be having our fifth annual PARENTS race, to take place immediately after registration at the church on Friday, February 1st. The only rules are: the car body can’t extend to the sides past 2-3/4″, the length is a maximum of 7″, and weight is 10.000 OZ. Everyone will be responsible for their own car. The pack has several “scrap” kits you can use (first come, first serve) or you can purchased a new kit at the scout shop. There will be a trophy for first place.


2018 Hot Dog & Movie Night!

2018 Hot Dog & Movie Night!

If you are a returning scout to Pack 279, you’re not going to want to miss our Movie Night on Friday, August 24. The movie night is the last event you need to attend this summer to qualify for the Pack Summertime Activities Patch (if you attended other scout events in June and July).

Let us know you are coming by completing the form.

On movie night, we gather as a pack and award recognitions earned at Cub Camp and Webelos Camp. We eat great food, we preview popcorn sales. We give parents a chance to sign up for popcorn Show and Sales. We watch a great movie on a screen under the stars.

Returning scouts who complete all paperwork and are paid in full on Scout Movie Night receive a very special bead for their wampum.

The 2018-19 Scout Year is shaping up to be a year completely full of fun, adventures, and activities!

We welcome new families to Hot Dog and Movie night. Especially if you are feeling out scouts to decide if it is the right program for your boys. Here’s what to bring:

  • Water bottle and snacks for the film
  • Comfy chairs for each member of the family
  • Boy Scout Application Forms and Dues if you are committing to joining the pack
  • Bug spray
  • Comfy clothes
  • Pillows, blankets (If it rains, the movie will move inside. Consider adding a bit more cushion to your seating on the hard gym floor, such as pillows, blankets, and an air mattress or bed roll).
Be a Giraffe!

Be a Giraffe!

The giraffe can teach us a lot about responsibility. First of all, it stands tall – and when the giraffe is out on the African plains, there’s no doubt where he stands. Each of us should also stand tall, and make sure that whatever we do is something we can be proud of – so stand tall! The giraffe is adaptable – willing to bend his long neck and stretch out his legs when he needs water. So be willing to bend – to adapt to change or follow a needed “Plan B.” The giraffe is willing to stick his neck out to accomplish something – like eating the best leaves high in the tree. And we should also be willing to stick our necks out – to reach the highest goals and take responsibility for all that we do. So, do your best and be a giraffe!

Plan to Earn Your National Summertime Pack Award & Cub Scout Pin with Summer Activities Nearby

Plan to Earn Your National Summertime Pack Award & Cub Scout Pin with Summer Activities Nearby

Did you know there is an award to recognize Scouts who participate year round, even during the summer? That’s right. Cub Scout Pack 279 plans many summer activities nearby to Mechanicsburg, PA. The programming is meant to provide fun and safe programming for your son or daughter to be part of in order to keep their scouting enjoyment moving year-round.

National Summertime Pack Award Pins
National Summertime Pack Award Pins

It’s called the National Summertime Pack Award. Cub Scout Pack 279 and its scouts may qualify for this award if we plan and host at least one event in each month of the summer – June, July, and August. The great thing is that you may earn the National Summertime Pack Award four times in Cub Scouts – one for each rank of Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos. You receive a color-coded pin for each year you earn the award.

The pins are worn on the right pocket, often through the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Patch, which is  also worn over your right pocket. Pins are pinned through the patch.

We may also receive a special ribbon for display on our ceremonial Cub Scout Pack 279 flag, which is displayed with honor at every Pack Meeting.

Ok, so how do you plan to earn theNational Summertime Pack Award? Here are our planned events for the summer:


Advancement Picnic & Field Games (June 3)

Cub Camp – Camp Tuckahoe (June 20-22)

Webelos Camp – Camp Tuckahoe (June 24-28)

Senators Scout Night at the Ballpark (June 30)


Senators Ball Park Camp Out (July 1)

Pioneer District Twilight Camp (July 16-20)

Family Fun Night (Tentative) (July 20)

Little Buffalo Hike (July 28)


Hot Dogs & Move Night (and Parents Popcorn Preview) (Aug 24)

We are looking forward to seeing many scouts and family members out at our diverse array of summertime events. If you want to learn more about having your son or daughter join Cub Scout Pack 279, please email the Cub Master at or send us a message on Facebook or Instagram.

Family Scouting Off to a Roaring Start

Family Scouting Off to a Roaring Start

We had a feeling Family Scouting was going to be a big hit in Cub Scout Pack 279 here in Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County. Gee, we were right.

We had six girls in grades kindergarten through fourth grade sign up immediately to join Cub Scout Pack 279. These girls got to work right to way after their induction into the Cub Scout Pack on Thursday, March 15.  We are happy and proud to report two have already completed their Bobcat Badges (3 days might be a new record!).

Female scouts join the pack
A female scout receives her Webelos neckerchief at a ceremony on March 15, 2018. Cub Scout Pack 279 was among the first to open its program to girls in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.

The female scouts got right to work with their very first Den meetings on Sunday, March 18. By Sunday, the ranks of female cub scouts grew to 8 in our pack, and two more picked up information on how to join. We could easily finish the Scout Year with 10-15% of our total Cub Scout membership as female scouts.

We know the success of the Family Scouting program relies heavily on the experience of our pioneer girls. We are actively seeking feedback from them and their parents on how to do this right. We are also funneling that feedback up to the District and Council levels so that more Packs in the area may learn from our experiences.

If you have a girl in the Cumberland Valley School District (or surrounding area) who wants to challenge herself to have more fun, meet new friends, and learn new skills in conservation, citizenship, science, and so much more, visit our Join Our Pack and FAQ pages to learn more on how to sign her up.  Females who join for the rest of the school year will have their membership fee of $100 waived by our Pack.

Family Scouting is Here: Pack 279 Ready to Welcome First Female Scouts

Family Scouting is Here: Pack 279 Ready to Welcome First Female Scouts

To discuss Family Scouting, we first must know the history and how we got here today.

Cub Scout Pack 279 has a long tradition of encouraging scouting to be a family activity. We have always welcomed parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters to join us at outings, pack meetings, and den activities. Last fall the Boy Scouts of America announced a major change to our program. Beginning in 2018-2019 scouting year, the Cub Scouts would begin accepting females into the program in a policy change called “Family Scouting.”

Clearly girls and boys have their differences, but there is no question they deserve equal opportunities and treatment to become better students, stronger leaders, and healthier citizens. For many families, the BSA Cub Scout Program is the right program to encourage that growth.

This change to the BSA policy should not come as a shock as most of the world already enjoys co-ed scouting. In fact, even here in the USA, the BSA has programs like Venturing and Stem Scouting that are co-ed programs.

This spring, the New Birth of Freedom Council asked for at least one Pack from each school district to step forward and offer “early adoption” of Family Scouting. So many girls and families had heard about the change, they were eager to join. It speaks to the quality of the scouting program for sure.

The leadership of our sponsor organization – St. James Church – and Pack 279 and Troop 276 sat down last month to talk about what it means to be leaders. St James Church feels strongly that we seize this opportunity to lead and show other Packs in the area what leadership around Family Scouting looks like.

Early adoption would mean offering Cub Scouts to girls in grades k-4 for the remainder of this school year. Then in the fall, the Cub Scout program would be opened to K-5 to boys and girls.

The National BSA organization has said that Scout Troops for grades 6-12 will need to be single gender Troops. This is in full recognition of the developmental and emotional differences between young women and young men, but the Scouts of America and our Council are encouraging at least one sponsoring organizations in each school district to consider supporting at least one male and one female troop.

St James Church, Boy Scouts Troop 276 and Cub Scout Pack 279 are going to work hand-in-hand to help stand up an all-female Troop as a partner to our Pack and Troop in time for bridging in 2019. This will ensure any females from the CV school district have a BSA Troop to join and continue their scouting adventure in grades 6 and beyond in the 2019-20 school year.


So here is the news tonight.


  • IF you are a girl in grades kindergarten through fourth grade, and IF you like adventure, and IF you want to work hard while having fun, and IF you want to be a Cub Scout in Pack 279, you MAY pick up your youth application, complete it and join our pack tonight!
  • Young ladies joining anytime in the next three weeks will have their first official Pack meeting in uniform on Thursday, March 15 when we bridge the Arrow of Light den into the Boy Scouts. Your first den meetings will be that following Sunday.
  • You will wear the same uniforms as the boys, earn the same adventure loops, beads, and ranks. You will learn from the same leaders and have as much fun (or more) as the boys already in the Pack.
  • And IF you are a girl and join before the end of the school year, there is no charge to join. That’s right, free membership. We do not want the cost to be a barrier, especially when we hope to learn as much from you in the next few months as you will the program.


All girls will have membership in a special Den of female scouts in addition to your work in the den of your grade level. That female den will be mentored and lead by our female Tiger leader Serena Fedor. Serena will be working closely with Assistant Cubmaster Michael Fedor and Cubmaster Matt Weitzel and the parents of our first female scouts to ensure everyone has a great experience.

In fact, whether we planned it or not, every Den in Pack 279 has a female leader helping to plan and run the program today. This ensures our commitment to Youth Protection will be ready for Family Scouting day 1. It also ensures the changes we need to make as a pack to welcome female scouts will be front and center at every level of the Pack.

To the leaders of our Pack, thank you for your thoughtful consideration about Family Scouting. Thank you for your commitment to stand the program up early. Thank you for the work you will do in the days and weeks ahead to ensure our first female scouts have fun and feel safe and welcome.

And to the boys already in the Pack, let’s remember that a scout is helpful, friendly, courteous, and kind. We need your help as young leaders in our pack to make sure every young lady that joins us is treated as you would want to be treated.

As we speak, Camp Tuckahoe and others in the area are being renovated to provide equal facilities for female scouts. That means Cub Camp and Webelos Resident Camp this June are open to all scouts – male and female – in our Pack.

Blue & Gold Dinner with Surprises

Blue & Gold Dinner with Surprises

Everyone knows that Cubmaster Weitzel loves to include surprises into the Blue & Gold Banquet, right?

This year is no different. This week Mr. Weitzel and Mr. Fedor prepared more than 88 bags of awards, achievements, and special recognitions for the Scouts of this Pack. It is so exciting to see so many of you excelling in your Dens!

Don’t forget to dress in your “Class A”  – also known as your Field Uniform – on Friday for dinner. Have a parent or guardian make sure your uniform is clean, pressed, and looking extra sharp.  We are going to take photos as Dens and as a full Pack! It will be our largest group photo yet.

Our ceremony will begin at 6:00 pm, so arrive in time to sign in, pick a seat with your family, and visit with your friends.  We will begin with the presentation of the Colors and a blessing.  Then dinner begins! Awards and recognitions to follow.

And we have an extra special announcement coming on Friday that will surely change Cub Scout Pack 279 for the better for years to come. So bring your listening ears, your singing voices, and your appetite. We are going to have a bucket of fun on Friday night, Scouts!

Fast Cars and Family Fun at Pinewood Derby 2018

Fast Cars and Family Fun at Pinewood Derby 2018

The Pinewood Derby is a longstanding tradition in just about every Cub Scout Pack you find. Most Dad’s in our own Pack 279 who were scouts themselves have fond memories of working in their own cars, and some still even have them stashed away in the family archives.

On February 3, 208, Pack 279 had a bucket of fun as six dens competed in Den centric heats. Five dens then sent their top three racers to the Pack finals (the Lions could not move on). It was a long but spirited day of competition. More than 150 fans cycled through St. James Church to see their favorite scouts compete.

Lion Den Racers 2018

Tiger Den 2018

Wolf Den Racers 2018

Bear Den Racers 2018

Webelos Den Racers 2018

Arrow of Light Racers 2018

For the first time, Pack 279 linked a community service project to the Pinewood Derby. We hosted the Central PA Blood Bank to host our first ever Community Blood Drive.

Assistant Cubmaster Fedor donates blood between Den races


Our very own Tiger Den leader and mother of two current scouts (and my wife) had her life saved in September by the gift of donated blood. We thought it would be a fitting tribute to her and to our Pack by ensuring we found a way to give back the very same gift that saved her life. Very soon we will know the final tally of how much blood we helped to secure for the Blood Bank. Stay tuned!

Now the moment you have all been waiting for: the results of the 2018 Pinewood Derby!

1) Luke T
2) Andrew Cl
3) Issac R
4) Brandon B

1) Evan W
2) Ivan M
3) Ryan S
4) Connor B-S

1) Ryan B
2) Alex G
3) Zachary D
4) Tobey S

1) Aaron C
2) Alex M
3) Alex G
4) Aayush A

1) Matthew C
2) Colin W
3) Grayson P
4) Beckett Z

1) David M
2) Brayden H
3) Colin L
4) Jackson C

BUBBLE – Top-3 fastest times, that did not place above
1) Ryan M – AOL
2) Tristan B – Wolf
3) Jack R – AOL

1) Luke T
2) Evan W
3) Alex G
4) Andy C

Please contact the Cubmaster at for a link to the complete den brackets. Congratulations to all!!